Automobile Brakes

1.1. Introduction

Automobile brake is one of the most important mechanical systems to control the speed of the moving vehicle, whenever to stop or in an emergency road conditions are happen.

The purpose of the brakes is to slow down or stop the vehicle as desired by the driver.

In automobile braking systems most frequently used hydraulic and pneumatic power source, but current scenario electric power is another new innovative source for energy conversation and conservation system.

In automobile, the brakes are used for two functional purposes, they are primary and secondary. The primary and secondary purpose brakes contribute very much function during the running and control of the vehicle.

The foot-operated (primary) brakes are applied by the driver normally uses to slow or stop the car. They are also called the 'service brakes'. In the addition, all cars have a secondary brakes system which is mechanically operated by a separate hand lever and also called 'parking brakes'.

However this is complex to understand but in the classification of automobile brakes that is clarifies the doubt of types of brakes.

This unit deals with the construction and operation along with applications of the various types of automobile braking systems and their main components.

1.2. Functional Braking Requirement

1. The brakes must be strong enough to stop vehicle in smallest distance.

2. It must give strong braking force.

3. It must neither slip nor kid the vehicle.

4. And it must less heat production.

5. It must operate on least effort.

6. The brakes must have good anti-fade characteristics i.e. their effectiveness should not decrease with constant prolonged application.

7. To help in controlling the speed of the vehicle and to reduce the speed at turnings and other crowded places.

8. To hold the vehicle in its stationary position, without the presence of the operator, after it has been brought to a stop.

1.2.1. Requirements of a good braking system on the basis of safety and performance:

The requirements of a good braking system are as follows:

1. The retardation shall be smooth and free from jerk or judder.

2. The braking system should be very reliable to promote highest degree of safety on the road.

3. It must act suddenly in emergency. But this should also be consistent with safety.

4. The braking system should not be affected by water, heat, road grit or dust etc.

5. Pedal effort applied by the driver should not be more so as not to strain the driver.

6. Brake should works equally good in all weathers.

7. The wear, tear and arid of brake lining material should minimum for its longer life.

8. Due to the rubbing action of brake shoes along with lining against drum, large amount of heat is generated due to friction. The brake design system should be capable of dissipating this heat very quickly.

9. All the components and levers of the braking system should be strong enough to take the mechanical stresses and strains which are encountered during brake actuation.

10. No braking system can work at its best through worn out or incorrectly inflated tyres, good, tyres are, therefore, a prime essential for efficient braking.



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