Classification of Automobile Brakes

 1.4. Detail Classification of Automobile Brakes:

On the basis of purpose served:

Main brake (Service or Primary brake)

Parking brake (Secondary brake/mechanical type)

On the basis of location:

Wheel Mounted

Transmission mounted.

On the basis of driver’s ergonomics:

Foot operated

Hand operated

On the basis of construction:

Drum brake

Disc brake

On the basis of method of actuation:

Mechanical brakes

Hydraulic brakes

Air brakes / Pneumatic brakes

Vacuum brakes

Electric brakes

On the basis of application of extra braking efforts:

Manual brake

Power brake

Power assisted or Servo brakes

On the basis of action of brake shoes:

Internal expanding brake

External contracting brake.

On the basis of working principle:

Friction – Shoe (drum brake), Pads (Disc brake)

Pumping – Hydraulic brakes

Electromagnetic – Power assisted brakes

Next blog:  Hydraulic Brake

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