Wheels and Tyre Faults Troubles Causes and Remedies

Wheels and Tyre Troubles / Faults:

Troubles / FaultsCauses 
 1. Wheel WobbleWorn hub bearing of the wheel unbalanced wheel.
 2. Wheel bounceEcentricity of the wheel and tyre. Incorrect tyre pressure. Unbalanced wheel and brake drum.
 3. Side wear of tyreWorn tyre tread at one side, low tyrepressure.

 4. One side wear of tyres

Incorrect camber angle and toe-in.

 5. Centre wear of tyre treadsHigh tyre pressure.
 6. Uneven tyre wearBuckled wheel, unbalanced wheel.
 7. Uniform rapid wearDriving on rough road, fast driving.
 8. Loss of tyre or tube pressureNormal diffusion of air through the tube material. Faulty valve. Leaking patch. Punctures.

Wheels and Tyre trouble shooting:

Faults Causes Remedy 

1. Wear on sides of tyre tread more than centre

i) Under-inflation i) Inflate to correct tyre pressure.
2. Wear in centre of the tyre tread. i) Over-inflation i) Deflate to correct tyre pressure.
3. Filed appearance of tyre tread. i) Misalignment of wheelsi) Check & correct where necessary. 
4. One-sided wear of tyre tread. i) Incorrect camber angle.
ii) Sagging axle.
iii) Driving on sleepy cambered road.

i) Adjust it.

ii) Check and specify.

iii) Improve driving habits. 
5. Uneven tyre tread wear. i) Under-inflation
ii) Wheel bent
iii) Wheel/tyre unbalanced.

i) Inflate to correct pressure.

ii) Replaces.

iii) Check and correct it. 
6. Heal and toe wear off tyre tread. i) Eccentric brake drum
ii) Exxcessive braking and acceleration
iii) Overloading.

i) Grind or replaces as required.

ii) Avoid

iii) Avoid 
7. Cracking of casing.i) Under-inflation
ii) Over-inflation
iii) Overloading.

i) Inflate to correct pressure.

ii) Deflate to correct pressure.

iii) Load correctly. 
8. Excessive loss of pressure. i) Porous tubes
ii) Leaky valve
iii) Punctured tube.

i) Replace.

ii) Replace.

iii) Repair. 
9. Worn spots on tyre tread.  i) Improper brake adjustment
ii) Wheel bearing faulty
iii) Faulty hub or axle assembly
iv) Loose steering linkages.

i) Re-adjustment.

ii) Replace.

iii) Check and correct it.

iv) Check and correct it. 

Next Unit: "Automobile Transmission"
