Automobile Wheel Tyre and Tubes

4.1 Introduction:

The power developed by the engine is transferred through the clutch, gear box, propeller shaft and differential to the rear or front axles. Wheels are connected to the axles. As the axle turns, wheels also turn and the vehicle moves on the road. The ultimate purpose of the power developed by the engine is to turn the wheels so that the vehicle moves on the road.

This unit will cover the key components associated with the automobile movement; they are Wheels, Tyres and Tubes. The wheels are main supporting member of the vehicle’s weight and protecting from road shocks; they also transmit power and are steered. Tyre is the road contact member, used for cushioning and they are fitted with wheels rim. Tubes are final & inner member of any wheel-&-tyre assembly, tubes used for traction during acceleration and braking, they also reduce transmission of road vibrations to the automobile body. Inner tubes within tyres were standard until the 1950s, when seals between the tyre and the wheel were developed, leading to tubeless tyres, now used almost universally.

A wheel & tyre assembly is an essential in imparting rolling motion to the vehicle. It is mounted on the rear axle and the front axle. It always remains in contact with the road.


Feature Post: "History of the automobile wheel"

4.2 Wheel Assembly

4.3 Types of Wheels

4.4 Rims  ;  Wheel-offset

4.5 Wheel Sizes

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